Don’t you hate it when it happens

Don’t you hate it when it happens

Considering trying to make a CC based on trek. thoughts?

Gibson Dunn explanation of DOGE adaptation of USDS

billionaire lawyer speak.

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

Iphone 16 pro camera button works!

Me and my family went to vacation and its winter there. Sobrang hassle magtake off ng gloves just to take pictures and that’s when I thought of the camera button of this phone. Sobrang handy niya pala in situations like this. Also the point and shoot but photo still looks good its a huge plus. Challenging kasi magtake ng photos lalo sa tourist spots sa dami ng tao. Ayos talaga ang size nito for travel because hindi siya nakakangawit dalhin. Amidst of huge screens from different brands nowadays, the 16 pro’s screensize is really good

Alguien sabe dónde puedo pagar por mi certificado de prepa

Alguien sabe algún lugar donde pueda comprar mi certificado de prepa y q sea completamente válido? Tengo 20 años y tuve q dejar la prepa en 5 semestre para poder mantener a mi familia, miadre está enferma al igual mi padre, entre mi hermana y yo mantenemos la familia como podemos, yo tengo 2 trabajos entre semana y los fines de semana suelo salir a vender tortas He intentado 2 veces hacerla en un examen pero los reprobé 😞 estudiaba una hora al día o hasta q me ganará el sueño (salgo de mi casa a las 5 y llegó como a las 11-12) pero a la hora de el examen simplemente me dí cuenta q no estaba preparado para un examen de 7 horas

Epsilon-delta problem solved

I understand I have been submitting a number of similar problems. Some of the replies had techniques perhaps too advanced for me. It will help if someone can confirm if this solution is okay and if not which step is wrong to be corrected. It is easier for me to start with initial assumption of delta greater than 0 and less than 1 (unless it clashes with a factor leading to division by zero and problem with infinity). In such cases I find it convenient to bound with something other than 1 that can be say 1/3. Given K is bounded, next by applying triangle inequality, I find the maximum of the second factor (p). The maximum this found will be the second of the min function.

need help

anyone have any idea on how i can stop these scratches from happening?

Converting an external store room into an office - am I missing any steps?

My house has a small store room with an external entry (1.6m wide × 2.6m long). I plan to clear it out and turn it into a home office. Here’s the sequence of steps I think are needed: 1. Get quotes for the work. 2. Get council approval. 3. Cut a window in the right wall (see photos). 4. Replace the wooden door with a glass door. 5. Cut walls for power sockets. 6. Slab, plaster, and paint the walls. 7. Lay laminate flooring. Does this order make sense? Am I missing anything? Also, my husband thinks it will feel like a jail cell, but I disagree - what do you all think? Would a window and glass door make it feel open enough? **TL;DR:** Turning a 1.6m × 2.6m store room into an office- are my steps correct, and will it feel like a jail cell? ![img](ipbaxg9jngje1) ![img](c4h8o8wjngje1) ![img](mtvivankngje1)

guttertank but in ms paint (MY least favorite and hardest one so far) who next?

![img](bcojjnsongje1) tbh not my fav but its alright

This crazy person wont stop calling me about blade

How do I get them to stop???

"> How do I get them to stop???

RALPH LAUREN TEE'S (many styles) - $12

Nikki as the train conductor

34M cash heavy advice

Hey everyone, 34M, married man with a comfortable financial situation. I’ve saved up 700k and invested 300k in VTI/VOO, and I’m mortgage-free on my 300k property. My goal is to reach financial independence and invest more money as soon as possible. But I’m a bit concerned about the current market conditions. The S&P has been on a steady rise for over two and a half years, and it’s become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few big companies, like Apple and Amazon. I know I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and I don’t want to let my hard-earned money go to waste. So, I’m looking for some advice on what to do next. Should I invest in more stocks, or should I consider other options? I’d really appreciate any insights or recommendations you can offer. Thanks a bunch!

Miku making paper airplanes [Vocaloid] (hatsune1314520)

Miku making paper airplanes (hatsune1314520)


Dave Smith completely destroyed a Zionist's arguments both morally and logically on Piers Morgan's show.

Dave Smith completely destroyed a Zionist's arguments both morally and logically on Piers Morgan's show.

Pse t gjith kta qe thon “mbrekullushem” apo “mbrekulli” jan me PS?

The most essential form of the platform bed frame.

The most essential form of the platform bed frame.

Text chat in Marvel Rivals keeps resetting

Has anyone had any issues where the text chat keeps deleting and resetting after every couple words? No idea what keeps to be causing it and it has never happened before. If I turn off the game and boot it back up it will be good for a few games before it’s messed up again.

Philadelphia Inquirer @phillysport: ‘You’re coming with us’: How the Eagles made New Orleans terror attack survivor part of their Super Bowl parade celebration

Severe gender dissapointment… what do I do?

Hi everyone, I am coming on here to vent and to maybe find people who had the same experience. Definitely looking for advice on how to deal with this. If I get judgment: I get it and I guess I deserve it, too. So before I start: I have a 1000 things to be grateful for and I hate that I feel this way, it makes me feel like a spoiled brat (I guess I am) that I have worries over something like this when other people in the world worry about war, hunger and disease for their kids, yet here I am. So a little context… me and my sister are close in age and also very close in general. We do get compared to each other a lot. It’s always been like that. We both do relatively well in life, got married two years apart and both had two girls months apart (so we’ve shared most of our pregnancies and had the same gender). I have always wanted to have both a girl and a boy. My husband was done after two and I thought I was too, but after a while, I had a strong wish for another baby. I knew my sister also had a strong wish, we’ve talked about it a lot, but her husband was not too sure either. Long story short: my husband got on board after having lots of conversations about it, but the idea of having another baby does stress him out. Either way, we were gonna do it together and we started to try for another baby. In the mean time, my sister got pregnant too, not really planned, but before me. She’s now 20 weeks and I am 14 weeks. So here comes the issue… she just confirmed she’s having a baby boy and of course, she is over the moon. I am happy for her. We don’t want to know the gender this time, but had a 13 week ultrasound and since we already have two girls, I think I know what I saw… no boy parts. The doctor said it’s early but she indeed did not see anything either (not knowing we wanted to keep it a surprise). Now I feel horrible, maybe due to hormones. I look up people who also have three kids of one gender to see if they look happy, I think about it the whole time, I dream about probably not having a son and I secretly cry about it. I feel panic thinking about being confronted with my nephew (who I’ll love dearly) weekly. My husband’s patience is running thin, since he got on board for me and now I am ‘whining’ about the gender. He is completely right, but I can’t turn off the feelings. I even start to question if having a third was a good idea in the first place (don’t worry, my kids are my world and taking care of them is my main priority in life). Our two girls are best friends, will everything change? Will we be ok starting over once again? Did I want a third or did I want a SON? And why is it so important what gender the baby is? Rationally I know it’s ridiculous. I am trying to let it go and just wait til birth, since nothing was formally confirmed. In the mean time, I know the odds are we’re having our third girl and I should prepare my heart for that. I am trying to learn from this, that not everything is a perfect picture, that I can’t always get what I want and that comparing myself to others is dumb. That I have it better than 98% of the world population, so get the fuck over it. But oh, the damn feelings… Thanks for reading if you made it this far :). If you felt like this: what helped you?

what is a martha stewart gay?

i have no idea if this is even the right place to ask this but yeah. i’m a server at a restaurant and last night i was serving this extremely kind gay couple and i had gotten triple sat (iykyk) and i told them “hey i’m so sorry i just got triple sat, i’m just gonna drop off this food and i’ll get you your bread right now” and the first guy was like “oh it’s okay don’t worry take your time! we’re not martha stewart gays” and his husband was like “😳” ever since then i was like what is a martha stewart gay??? maybe i misheard him??? but i definitely heard the words martha, stewart, and gay. i looked it up and it says she supports the lgbtq+ community from what i’ve seen. idk if this helps as well but they were older, maybe 45-55 years old. also they were both super sweet, funny, and understanding. 10/10 would serve again

Drake & PartyNextDoor’s ‘$ome $exy $ongs 4 U’ Sets New Apple Music Milestone

This BEAUTY I picked up today - It's really a work of art!

Does anyone have a small room gaming, home theater MCM style setup???

I'm looking for visual examples. My room is 11x16, but bc of needing traffic space, it's closer to 11x11. I'm planning on having one corner, or wall, dedicated to the PC, and the TV with a mid range 5.1 home theater system centerd on back wall. The challenge I'm facing is having everything clean looking and accessible.

dm test

Why BlueSky Will Fail....

Opened an account on BlueSky a few days back. And a week of hell later.... I have somehow added feeds that I cannot figure out how to get rid of...let alone how they got there in the first place. Algorithms fill my feed with things someone else "Thinks" I need to see...and then learned I need to start downloading external apps to do basic things like schedule a post for publication on a later date. I've had a very similar experience on Mastodon. Just making a simple point here...Billions of users every day use FB, IG, X, and Reddit. They do so because they have been conditioned for over two decades and their interaction with the platform (albeit ridden with algorithms and advertising, and data scraping) are SIMPLE....EASY. I get's about money and nothing is free. But that said...I opened Blue Sky and Mastodon accounts with the hope of leaving the walled in corporate social media platforms....but a week or so so hopeful. While I may be willing to try and tough it out...or figure it out...billions of others wont. You all gotta make this shit easier.....or you will fail. I hope you figure it out....and I will keep trying to learn.

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